
District News

Michigan Conference LSM Resources

Lay Servant Ministries is one of the significant lay leadership development programs available within the United Methodist connection. Through this system of equipping and empowering, lay servants have the opportunity to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ who then go and make other disciples. Lay Servant ministries can be a significant component of any discipleship system providing training in Hospitality, Offer Christ, Purpose and Engagement.

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Message From Your District Lay Leader

Your District Lay Leader, Denny Wissinger, is offering to visit your church during a
worship service to share his message entitled, “Role of Laity.” Included in his
message will be:
o How Lay Servant Ministry training can help equip laity
o Specific roles and duties of lay leaders
o Ways laity can effectively serve their local churches and communities
o Suggestions on how laity can assist their pastors
o Recommendations on how laity can enhance and further develop their
spiritual journeys
To schedule Denny’s message contact him at [email protected] , or you
may call or text him at 989-429-4772.

Help for Ukraine

Please read more to find out how you can help efforts for the Ukraine. UMCOR and Red Cross are attached.



Red Cross


Ukraine:  Information from General Board of Global Ministries Missionary, Rev. John Calhoun, formerly in Kyiv, Ukraine, concerning aid to Ukraine

Dearest ministry partners and friends,

 Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus, and greetings from Vienna.

 Our hearts are heavy with grief over the invasion and bombardment of Ukraine by Russian forces. The suffering has already been great, and it appears that many dark days and nights lie ahead.

For most of the past decade, I served as a GBGM missionary in Kyiv, in partnership with the United Methodist Church of Ukraine. Although United Methodists in Ukraine are relatively small in number, they are believers with large hearts who have faithfully witnessed the gospel through word and deed in their communities.

Today, in the midst of war, United Methodists continue to serve others. As many thousands across Ukraine are fleeing their homes in search of safe sanctuary, UMC congregations in western Ukraine are opening their hearts and doors, providing food, shelter, and other forms of emergency care to families in need.

Many of you have contacted me in recent days, asking how you might assist the Ukrainian people. Through The Advance, the donation platform of the UMC Board of Global Ministries, there are two ways that you can give in support of those fleeing war in Ukraine:

Advance #14053A: Eurasia In Mission Together — Ukraine and Moldova. Donations to this Advance account will be quickly transferred to the bank account of the UMC of Ukraine, which has a system in place to receive these donations, put them to immediate use, and provide reporting on the usage of these funds. To donate, go to: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-222-eurasia-in-mission-together-ukraine-and-moldova.aspx

Advance #982450: UMCOR International Disaster Response.
 Donations to this Advance account will be directed to UMCOR, which is already partnering with agencies on the ground in Eastern and Central Europe to assist those displaced by the fighting. Donations to this account should be designated “for Ukraine.” To donate, go to: https://umcmission.org/advance-project/982450/

I encourage you to give generously in support of the innocent victims of this tragedy. I thank you for your prayerful generosity and faithful witness.

Yours in Christ
Rev. John Calhoun
Pastor, English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna
Sechshauser Strasse 56, Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
GBGM Advance #13970Z

Are You a Pastor in Transition? Prepare Yourself

The first 90 days of a new appointment can help “set the stage for success or sow the seeds of trouble and potential failure,” says Michael Watkins. The first of two articles on pastoral transition.

When pastors receive a new appointment, they have 90 days to prove themselves, gain credibility and start to establish positive momentum. That’s according to organizational research by Michael Watkins, outlined in his book “The First 90 Days.” Watkins says that a leader’s success or failure is largely determined in the first few months of their tenure. This is part one of a two-part series on how to get off to a quick start at your new appointment.

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Local Church Marketing Services

The beauty of the United Methodist connection is best seen in local churches ministering and thriving in unique ways. Each congregation has its own identity, rich history, community relationships, missional partnerships and divine calling.

Every church is vital in our global mission to make disciples for the transformation of the world. That is why we are intentional in our work with local churches to help them enhance their communication, outreach and marketing efforts. Not only do we provide a menu of marketing services, but also the training and coaching to help local church pastors and leaders continue to be effective at promoting their church’s mission, events and services to reach new people in new ways.

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The Future of the UMC

The future of the UMC depends on the decisions made by all United Methodists.  As the United Methodist Church waits to learn if a gathering of the global denomination will take place in August 2022, many are looking for answers about what may happen and the impact on their local church.  The conference has assembled a FAQ with answers to your most pressing questions and also created a video form that you can share with others for discussion.  We encourage you to share this video and printable PDF with your congregation.  If you still have questions, a link at left can assist you in contacting the conference office to get a reply.  For those considering disaffiliation, more detailed information and another FAQ are below.

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Clergy Retreat

February 21-23, 2022
Bay Shore Camp & Family Ministries
450 N Miller Rd
Sebewaing, MI 48759

Dear Pastors;

You are invited to the Central Bay District Clergy Retreat  on February 21, 22, and 23, at Bay Shore Camp in Sebawaing, MI

The planning team has worked hard with Bay Shore Camp to provide you with a restful, educational time to de-compress, rejuvenate, and renew yourself spiritually in the beautiful setting of the Bay Shore Camp.  Not only will you be able to relax, but enjoy various activities generated by us, the Camp, or things you can bring from home.  We also promise you will NOT go hungry!

With pastors retiring, we are also able to provide a “Used Book Exchange” with books and materials they no longer need or want.  Feel free to bring your own to give away or exchange if desired.

Our presenters with be talking about C.A.R.E.:   C=COMMUNICATION  A=AUTENTICITY R=REST/RESTORATION   E=EXPECTATIONS AND ENGAGEMEMENTS.  We hope the ideas presented will be helpful for you, your families, and in your churches.

Please seriously consider joining us.  The registration form is included in this Newsletter. 

Hope to see you there;
Your Clergy Care and Support Team

Download the flyer and registration form >>>

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Vibrancy Programming

November 9th – Basic Coach Training

Coach Training:

Basic Coach Training Starts Nov. 9th for three classes (other courses are Nov. 23 and Dec. 7): This is a starter course to “try on coaching”.

Registration Link: https://michiganumc.org/basic-coach-training-registration/

Coach Training Part I: Starting Sept 15 and running weekly through December 15th 10:00am to 2:30pm est.  For those with no experience who want to become a trained coach. This course is broken into two sections- asynchronous and the live part I course. Courses can be done together, or learner coaches can take the asynchronous anytime and the live class after. 

Registration Link: https://michiganumc.org/coaching_part_i_registration/

Coach Training Part II starts September 13th and runs weekly through December 13th. Classes are from 5:30pm to 9:30pm est. For coaching students who have completed coach training part I and want to gain a deeper level of knowledge to upscale their coaching skills and become a professional certified coach.

Registration link: https://michiganumc.org/coaching_part_ii_registration/

Reach Summit– October 22 and 23, 2021. Who this is for? Anyone who wants to attend a webinar designed to move, touch, and inspire. Engage with dynamic speakers, get your hands dirty trying out new ideas in workshops. This Webinar is virtual, with the option of joining a small studio audience on Saturday.

This year, Friday is a live interactive workshop is “Justice and Evangelism” with Rachel Gilmore and Paul Nixon. Exploring why justice work and evangelism are intertwined, especially in reaching younger generations; the theological basis for connecting justice and evangelism; and how to incorporate justice work into worship, community development and social entrepreneurship with examples from across the connection.

Saturday, our keynote is “Social Media to Social Justice” with Nona Jones. In-person church attendance is declining or plateauing in every nation, so digital discipleship must be a central part of every church’s ministry approach. Also essential? Learning how to bridge racial divides and promote reconciliation. Nona’s keynote will include opportunities for discussion and a Q&A later.

Saturday’s workshops: Get a taste of helpful network groups scheduled to begin in January. Workshops available this year: Path to More Compelling Online Content with Mark Doyal; Lay Leadership with Laura Witkowski; Growing Online Faith Communities with Cathy Townley; Structure to Thrive with Gary Step; Leading in the Post-Pandemic Era with Dirk Elliott; Adapting to Reach & Disciple New People in this Post Pandemic Environment with Debi Nixon; and Growing Young with Lisa Batten.

Register Now by Clicking Here
Want more information? Check out our REACH website

Central Bay District