District News

Mission Accomplished

UPDATE: Read the full report on the mission trip and view more pics of all the fun and action!


What do you get when you mix 14 middle and high school boys, 5 middle school and high school girls, a
bus, 13 adults, snacks and a guitar? A great time! The youth of Central Bay district, representing 9
different churches left for Big Rapids early Thursday morning after a blessing and sendoff from Pastor
Ernesto Mariona and some congregation at Freeland UMC.

There were games. There were songs. There was food pantry work, yard work, setup work, cleaning,
sorting and carrying. There was worship with Pastor Jeremy Wicks from Big Rapids First UMC. There was a lot of pivoting by kids who never complained due to weather, scheduling snafus by the agencies we
were working with and pesky country roads!

A full write up and picture gallery will be out in the August newsletter – stay tuned! But in the
meantime, know that there is a great group of kids who love Jesus, are full of kindness towards each
other and strangers in a community that wasn’t there’s, respectful and willing to act as the hands and
feet of Jesus doing missional work. If you have one or ten youth, 6 th grade to 12 th grade, we’d love for
you to be a part of our fun at the July Summer Serve Mission Day at the Toni & Trish house. Details for
that are in an article in this newsletter.

THANK YOU to all of the adults who took time off from work to travel with us and make this an
unforgettable – for real! – trip: DS John Kasper, Pastor Ernesto Mariona, Pastor Rob Richards, Pastor
Jeremy Wicks, Ferris Wesley House Director Kim Bos, Brady & Tara, Heather (who has the voice of an
angel), Amie, Adrenne, Jason, Jeff, Hilary, Lori, Maliha, Becky, Tina & Jennifer Lane, the best pivoter and fearless leader!

Summer Kid Min News

Best Laid Plans…

Have you ever spent a lot of time planning an event, work on advertising, buying all the needed supplies, coordinating volunteers, and organized all the necessary tools – only to have Mother Nature come in last minute and rain on all your hard work? Literally?

Yessss. Last month our church had planned on having Water Night and the live Zoom on the setup. And then Mother Nature decided to send some severe weather in the form of heavy rain, thunderstorms and wind in our direction. Normally I would have had a plan B ready to go, but with a large chunk of money put down on an inflatable water slide and all events being outside, there was no plan B. So now what?

We simply rescheduled and put the water night to an evening in August. Since this was the highest attended community event last summer, we stayed with it and just rescheduled instead of cancelling. Therefore – YOU still get a chance to see the setup and what exactly a community engaged event looks like.

Below is the link to the Zoom meeting – 3:00 on August 7th. I’ll (hopefully) walk through the games we have ready and the layout of the event so you can choose to copy this at your church. There was over 100 kids and adults at this event last year – so it IS very popular for a hot summer night.

Cross your fingers the weather cooperates this time, because it’s my last possible summer date to host this night before school starts. Can you believe it already – school!

Join Zoom Meeting https://michiganumc.zoom.us/j/84221140346


Next month is Sunday school kickoff – what are your plans for getting the buzz up to your congregation kids? Send me an email with any questions you might have – [email protected].

Have a great month!

The Carpenter Garden

A Look Back at the History of the Carpenter Garden:

  • Tom Venman started the first MPS school garden at Chipp back in 1996.  It was a schoolwide effort and very, very successful.  They even grew pumpkins to sell in the fall and lots of learning across the curriculum took place.
  • Tom moved to Carpenter when Chipp closed.  He worked with MPS and raised funds to begin the current garden in 2011.  Different grades helped with different tasks and the garden became another way for kids to experience the importance and beauty of growing, tending, and harvesting plants.
  • When Tom retired from Carpenter, he volunteered to keep the garden going.  When Carpenter closed as a regular K-5 building, FUMC stepped in with funding and volunteers to plant, tend, and harvest.  Tom’s leadership goes back almost 30 years!
  • FUMC’s Step Ministry team is now completely responsible for the garden.  We are a ministry team that assesses and responds to needs in our immediate church neighborhood.  More specifically, within the boundaries of Central Park Elementary.  (We also have a vibrant collaboration with Maple Grove Manufactured Home Community in the former Longview area.  This includes a city park that we have adopted next to the trailer community.  ANOTHER STORY??!!)
  • Carpenter Garden is truly for the neighbors and folks are invited to pick as soon as crops are ready.  If we have extra produce that remains in the garden, we set it out on a “Help Yourself” cart along the Larkin sidewalk at church.  We also set it out on Sundays during Friendship Lunch, the meal that we serve each week.  We have found that people of all ages really enjoy garden fresh produce and flowers.
  • Being in the Carpenter Garden provides lots of opportunities to chat with neighbors.  People come by on foot, bikes, and by car.  Almost every day/evening, kids are playing on the school playground and they come over to see what’s ready to pick and to ask lots of wise questions.
  • Our team gets together for Weed and Water Wednesdays each week.  It is a valuable time of fellowship and shared work!
  • MPS has always been VERY supportive of FUMC’s garden on their property.  We have expanded over the years, recently adding multiple raised beds of flowers and growing more produce outside the fence line of the garden.  We are grateful for this partnership with MPS!  In the late fall, the Carpenter Young Fivers help tear down the remaining plants, which is great fun for them and helpful for our team.
  • We have a second community garden, located right at church along Fitzhugh.  We have expanded this summer and all those plants are grown in raised beds.  Most of those flowers/veggies go on the “Help Yourself” cart and are given at Friendship Lunch.  We also place shelf stable veggies in our Blessing Box, which neighbors can access 24/7.
  • FUMC is committed to loving and supporting our neighbors.  The Carpenter (and FUMC) Gardens are a really tangible way to live that out.  Many have commented that they feel close to God when they’re among the growing and changing plants.  Having our hands in the soil often feels holy.  Connecting with kids and adults in this shared space has become more common over the past couple of years and the Garden feels like a Sanctuary in that way.

Join the Admin Connection!

Administrative Assistants….Let’s Connect!

Calling all admins (full/part time, paid/volunteer, overworked/under-utilized) we want to connect.
For APRIL – we’re celebrating YOU! Gather with us in Mt. Pleasant at First United, 400 S. Main St. Mt.
Pleasant at 11:30. We’ll have lunch, do a project together and have fun with other admins in our district.
Remember, bring a friend! Please RSVP to Teri Rice, [email protected].

Please join us for our regular monthly Zoom gathering the second Wednesday of each month for the
remainder of the summer, 11:30-Noon.

August 14

Join us every single month, or just when you can – this is going to be informal gathering to support each
other in the ministry of the church office.

We are REALLY looking forward to seeing you on Zoom.

Zoom Link:  https://michiganumc.zoom.us/j/81283796136#success

*This zoom link will be the same for each Let’s Connect gathering we do – the second Wednesday of
each month from 11:30 – Noon.https://michiganumc.zoom.us/j/81283796136#success

We are looking forward to connecting with you.

Teri Rice
Partnering with You to bring People to Jesus

Executive Assistant
Central Bay District
Michigan Conference UMC

Love Reaching Out Event

Do you want to connect the church and community?  Are you wondering how best to sustain and grow a vital ministry? Could you be looking for another approach after good plans don’t seem to work out or are no longer impacting your community in the same way?

The Love Reaching Out Seminar Is designed to answer these questions and others as we seek to share the love and Good News of Jesus to the people of our communities with ministries of Compassion and Justice.

Fall LSM Classes

Help Wanted: Lay Servant Ministries needs Christian disciples who are willing to learn how to use the spiritual gifts God has given them to grow their faith, and lead others to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our leadership classes will help you develop skills for preaching, teaching, leading worship, leading Bible study and prayer, evangelism and lay pastoral care giving.

For your convenience, classes are available online, in person and through Zoom
meetings. Will you partner with us in this mission?

Basic Class: September 7 & 14 – Auburn UMC, Auburn, MI

Each One a Minister: September 7 & 14 – Auburn UMC, Auburn, MI

Living Our Beliefs: September 7 & 14 – Auburn UMC, Auburn, MI

Basic Class: October 12 & 19 – Faith UMC, Edmore, MI

From Pew to Pulpit: October 12 & 19 – Faith UMC, Edmore, MI

Worshipping With United Methodists: November 2 & 9 – Wesley Foundation CMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI

From Pew to Pulpit: November 2 & 9 – Weslet Foundation CMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI


Communicating With Your Church About Change

Free course can help you communicate positively about change

Churches often adjust in big ways and small ones in order to serve and equip individuals in a changing world. Therefore, how we communicate change to our members really does matter. In this course you will learn how to establish a robust foundation for change communication, garner congregational buy-in, respond to opposition gracefully and maintain communication throughout the change process.

Register here >>>

Central Bay District