Website Checkup

Thou Shalt Have a Website.

website pie chartDistrict Superintendent, Reverend David Kim has a goal:
100% of Central Bay District churches will have a functional website by District Conference on October 19, 2019.  Currently more than half of the district churches do not.  Where does your church stand?

Cast a wider net.

Get discovered by a  broader range of visitors by having a clean, professional church website. 

what's the price
Fear not!

Don’t know where to begin?  Getting a website has never been easier, faster and more economical.

The Central Bay District webmaster is ready to help each and every church.
Find out more >>>



Tell your story

Conveniently provide answers to important questions that attendees or visitors might have, connect them with your leaders, and shed light on your church’s gifts and emphases.

UMCOM hosting >>>

Central Bay District