The fully vaccinated Vision Team for The Gathering a United Methodist Mission Congregation, seeking to dream God’s dreams for the mission field.

Harrison Michigan is about to experience the touch of God’s hand in a fresh new way. The Gathering, a United Methodist Mission Congregation, under the leadership of Pastor Ray McClintic has begun the process of bringing new life into local mission and outreach. The Vision Team is participating in the Church Unique Vision Frame process. Church Unique is a vital discernment process for congregational transformation. This process serves as a guide for leadership to cast vision, capture culture, and create movement to make disciples of Jesus Christ! All provided by the Michigan Area of the United Methodist Church. Facilitated by Rev. James Noggle, a member of the Conference Church Unique faculty.

What can only your congregation and community do to make the kingdom of God known more fully today and grow disciples of Jesus Christ? The answer is; Enter into a season of discovery through embarking on a journey called Church Unique! There are at least (12) 3-hour sessions to this initial adventure. The Conference faculty is certified through Auxono a consulting and facilitation firm founded by Will Mancini. Will outlines the principles behind this discernment process in his books, Church Unique and God Dreams.

The Gathering is also registering as an official ENGAGE project. Please watch for additional information on this opportunity to partner with the Gathering in ministry such as the Gathering Food Pantry. Through this outreach nearly one-thousand people are fed each month in Harrison.

If you would like more information about how your church can benefit from the Church Unique Vision Frame process contact Rev. Gary Step 517.347.4030 x 4093

  [email protected] or sign up at or you may contact Rev. James Noggle 231-250-8707 [email protected]

Central Bay District