Charge Conference 2019

charge conference forms link
Michigan Conference Forms

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. thank you for choosing to ride the Central Bay District Church Charge Conference Forms Coaster. We appreciate your business and will do all we can to make your ride as pleasant as possible, while still offering a few thrills along the way. 

Remember to keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times. There are rest stops along the way, bathrooms for the queasy and cold water drink stations to keep you hydrated. 

Now…let’s get started:

Central Bay District CC Schedule

ONLY email Teri the following forms: (ALL other forms are due at conference to be turned in to the DS)

  1. SPRC Evaluation of Pastor
  2. Joint Dialogue Form
  3. Clergy or DSA Compensation Form
  4. Profile of the Church Form

*These forms do not have to be signed when you email them to the district office. Please include a signed copy in the folder with all the other forms that you give to the DS at the conference.

Clergy Self Evaluation Form is due 10 days prior to your one to one with the DS along with the Rule of Life questions. These should be emailed to Teri 10 days prior to your One on One interview.

Hello pastors! Please complete the following questions in preparation of your One to One Interview.

Think of the General Rule of Discipleship and A Rule of Life.

What does this mean to you?
What does this mean to your family?
What does this mean to you in your ministry setting?

Please refer to this information when answering the above questions:

Don’t forget to include the Clergy Self Evaluation

Responses should be emailed to Teri 10 (TEN) days prior to your One to One Interview. 

The district office needs to know the leadership of each church. Please use this form to help us stay connected. Email it back to [email protected] anytime before the end of 2019.


2019 CC SCHEDULE >>>

Thank you for choosing to ride the Central Bay District Church Charge Conference Forms Coaster. If you have ANY questions – please contact Teri at [email protected] or 989.793.8838 

Central Bay District