Fall LSM Classes

Help Wanted: Lay Servant Ministries needs Christian disciples who are willing to learn how to use the spiritual gifts God has given them to grow their faith, and lead others to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our leadership classes will help you develop skills for preaching, teaching, leading worship, leading Bible study and prayer, evangelism and lay pastoral care giving.

For your convenience, classes are available online, in person and through Zoom
meetings. Will you partner with us in this mission?

Basic Class: September 7 & 14 – Auburn UMC, Auburn, MI

Each One a Minister: September 7 & 14 – Auburn UMC, Auburn, MI

Living Our Beliefs: September 7 & 14 – Auburn UMC, Auburn, MI

Basic Class: October 12 & 19 – Faith UMC, Edmore, MI

From Pew to Pulpit: October 12 & 19 – Faith UMC, Edmore, MI

Worshipping With United Methodists: November 2 & 9 – Wesley Foundation CMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI

From Pew to Pulpit: November 2 & 9 – Weslet Foundation CMU, Mt. Pleasant, MI


Central Bay District