Hearts Under Construction

Image of heart construction

2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

Yes and Amen

I love to paint, and do crafty, cool things…so I thought re-doing the offices would be a piece of cake. I was wrong. I am tired of being in a mess, tired of the phones not working, tired of things not finished. I just want to be done with this in-between phase. I over-extended myself and now seem to be have too much to do. Can I get an Amen!

And then….I see the floor is finished, my desk is back in the office and I got to talk awhile with someone who stopped by to see how things were going and shared with me their personal story. This is when I am reminded that God is continually working on us. We are never actually finished. Our hearts are always under construction!

Do you know what the culture of your church is? The down deep feeling that makes it what it is? To change a culture it takes time, lots of work and patience. Our district office reno was a thoughtful decision to change the culture of the district. To make it less chaotic and more ministry focused. To bring it into the current century with updates and color. To make it a center that people would actually enjoy meeting in! A place that allows leadership to focus on possibilities and stepping out in faith.



The paint is dry, but the boxes are still stacked. We still have lots of work to do. And honestly, even after it is “finished” the real work will just be starting. The culture shift from getting by to purposefully doing ministry will take some time. Thanks for being with us on this journey of faith. I am honored to work with you in this new thing called the Central Bay District!

Olive U-
Teri Rice

Central Bay District