Thank you, Millie!

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

Charge Conference 2019

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. thank you for choosing to ride the Central Bay District Church Charge Conference Forms Coaster. We appreciate your business and will do all we can to make your ride as pleasant as possible, while still offering a few thrills along the way.  Remember to keep your hands and feet inside the… Continue Reading Charge Conference 2019

Michigan Area School for License as a Local Pastor

We hope you can join us for this year’s School for Pastoral Ministry presentation of “Streams of Healing Water”  Featuring: Rev. Junius B. Dotson, General Secretary/CEO Discipleship Ministries UMC and Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai, Chief Connectional Officer of the Connectional Table UMC Tuesday, August 20 – Wednesday, August 21 The purpose of the School for License… Continue Reading Michigan Area School for License as a Local Pastor

Dinner Church in Cass City

Cass City United Methodist Church is well known for the past 20 years in preparing our Wednesday Dorcas Meal where we serve lunch for 150-250 of our community once per month.  However, after reading Dinner Church by Verlon Fosner at last fall’s District Conference we wanted to explore how to incorporate Dinner Church into our HOLY C.O.W.… Continue Reading Dinner Church in Cass City

Coleman: Faith is Honored

The Wayne C. Barrett Steward Leader Award was established by action of the Board of Directors of the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan upon Dr. Barrett’s retirement as President and Executive Director. The purpose of this award is to honor up to six United Methodist congregations across the Michigan Area for their exemplary stewardship ministry and… Continue Reading Coleman: Faith is Honored

Dinner Church at Arenac: Christ

Immediately after obtaining the Dinner Church Booklets distributed at our first D zone organizational meeting in August, we at Arenac Christ UMC encouraged all small groups and our adult Sunday School class to begin studying the book together.  By October we launched a small church adapted version of dinner church that we believed best fit… Continue Reading Dinner Church at Arenac: Christ

DZone 1 Worship at Bay Shore Camp

During this Memorial Day Weekend – we held our Last DZONE 1 Sunday Worship Service for the summer at Bay Shore Camp & Family Ministry.  Thank you Jeff Parsons, Director of Bay Shore for allowing us to be a part of this Sunday Worship Service. It was wonderful to see the children and young adults… Continue Reading DZone 1 Worship at Bay Shore Camp

Meet Your EngageMI Ambassadors

There have been questions regarding the new EngageMI program and these people are knowledgeable and ready to answer questions and meet with those mission people in the churches who would like that.  Please feel free to suggest these ambassadors to those that need help in understanding and reporting the Learn, Give, Act program for 2019. … Continue Reading Meet Your EngageMI Ambassadors

Central Bay District