Training for the 2018 Local Church Annual Report

January 10, 2019 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Presenter: Ron Iris

 Sandusky First United Methodist Church
Pastor Sue Platt
68 Lexington St.
Sandusky, MI  48471
(1 block west, ¾ block south of main corners in Sandusky)

 First United Methodist Church of Sandusky will be hosting a training session to help you complete your Local Church Annual Report, which is due each year by January 30th to the Conference. Ron Iris, Michigan Conference Statistician, will be go over the report in detail, including new changes and requirements.  So, bring your questions and a copy of your 2017 Annual Report or the blank 2018 report worksheet.

This event is free, but please RSVP for headcount only. This event is for pastors, membership secretaries, financial secretaries, treasurers, church business managers, mission chair and any others affected. Please feel free to forward this information to anyone you think might benefit from attending this training.

Please RSVP by e-mail, text or phone to:

Gayla Eagle, Sandusky UMC Church Treasurer
[email protected]

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Central Bay District