Hearts Under Construction

Image of heart construction

Have you ever heard that expression, “out of the mouth of babes”? My four year old granddaughter reminded me of a great life lesson the other day. We were playing around and singing silly songs. I was going to play some music on my phone for her and asked her what she wanted to hear. Fully expecting to listen to the Frozen soundtrack for the hundredth time I looked at her. She told me she wanted to hear the soft voice song. She moved the chairs out of the way so she would have room to dance, and she took my phone and turned on You Say by Lauren Daigle. Have you ever heard that song? She sang and danced the entire song and asked me to repeat it. She asked me if I could feel the soft voice…do you think she felt God? I do.

As we are under construction in the Central Bay District and working through some growing pains as we develop our new culture, I pray that we are all listening for the soft voice of God in the busy of the day and taking time to feel God in our midst. Even if it means moving chairs and taking time to dance. Here is the link so you can feel for yourself. https://binged.it/2NjTUHs

As we continue work on our leadership lists, our vision for the district and even the remodeling of the office center we thank you for your continued commitment to Jesus, to your local church and to the district overall. Together we are all better.

Olive U,

Teri Rice

Central Bay District