And the Winner is…

Jennifer Lane!

Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.

According to the internet, a LEADER must possess the following characteristics:

  • Positive Attitude – The ability to work with and see people and situations in a constructive way. Nothing destroys a team’s momentum than someone who is usually negative.
  • Servanthood – The willingness to sacrifice time and energy for others without needing anyone to notice.
  • Team Player – The mind-set of looking out for others and lifting others up.
  • Follow-Through – A commitment to be responsible and to fulfill any specific ministries or jobs taken.
  • Integrity – Trustworthiness and solid character; consistency in words and walk are key.
  • Discipline – The willingness to do what is required regardless of personal mood.
  • Relational – The ability to make others feel comfortable. Every student counts and needs to be known, greeted, and cared for.
  • Sense of Humor – Ability to laugh at yourself, try new things and have a good time learning from your mistakes.
  • Patience – Someone who is patient with himself/herself and with others and doesn’t stress when the learning curve is high, remembering that everyone is at a different place.
  • Teachable Spirit – The ability to be humble, open to loving criticism and able to learn from others.


According to The Book of Discipline:

Youth ministry in The United Methodist Church provides a framework for youth to grow spiritually and relationally while they are developing physically, mentally, and socially. Strong, developmentally appropriate ministry activities and experiences provided by trained, caring adults is essential for a vital youth ministry

Our Excellence in Leadership Award recipient is exactly all those things and so much more.

She is a volunteer for the district. Mom of twin young adults, loving wife, Director of Children/Youth/Families of a local church, faithful saint and the kindest person we know.

She is the youth leader for the Central Bay District.

So how did she show leadership excellence in the middle of a pandemic?

-During Covid she STILL maintained the district youth group – through Zoom.

-Hosting video game tournaments.

-Facilitated Bible Study with youth around the district.

-Created a safe place for youth to discuss all the different ways that COVID affected them and how their world was changing.

-Spent hours creating COVID Safe events to give the district youth mission opportunities in all sections of our district.

-Planned and had to cancel (two years in a row) the district youth mission trip due to Covid19. This speaks volumes of the dedication and concern she has for the young people in this district. If the world was going to open, even for a crack, she was going to be ready to move the youth into action.

-Prayed for our youth.

-Prayed for our families.

-Prayed for our leadership.

Adapted her church VBS to be completely on line so that the entire district could benefit.

Leadership is working with others, working for others, working side by side and behind others. This person continually works for the best interest of our district youth and families.

It is my great honor to present the 2021 Excellence in Leadership Award to Jennifer Lane.

Central Bay District