Impactful Youth Groups

Every single church in the Central Bay District is surrounded by families with middle and high school students who need and are looking for relevant, impactful opportunities to grow their faith in a safe and uplifting setting. Whether or not their parents attend church, students age 11-18, studies have shown, have faith in God, and are looking for ways to return to God. Polling data from the Springtide Research Institute indicated that about one-third of middle and high school students believe in the existence of God or a higher power. This is up from about one-quarter in 2021, as reported in The Wall Street Journal (April 24, 2023). Why? This may be in response to the pandemic, and more specifically the need to believe in something beyond themselves.

So our next Let’s Talk Zoom will explore ways to help middle and high school students find a home at your local church. We’ll explore effective outreach methods, opportunities for growth, and talk about being hospitable to these students.  Join us on Thursday, July 11 at 7:00. Use this link to register and get the Zoom link.

Central Bay District