What’s Your Christmas Look Like?

No, really…what do you have on the calendar for children this Advent season? Is the Children’s Pageant
on the calendar? Do you have Christmas Eve services planned differently this year, since Christmas Eve is on a Sunday? How are you welcoming children and youth during the entire month?

Advent is a unique and busy time for the church. There are a lot of things on a family’s calendar, but it is
also a time when they are most likely willing to visit a church for the first time or even come back if they
have strayed for a while. Plan events well ahead of time – like 6 months – so you can be first on their
calendars. If you aren’t first, then other items get on their calendar first and your event becomes an
Some ideas to do during Advent:
– Have the children create an Advent devotional for church members (free or fundraiser)
– Children’s Program
– Make & Take Night (see video series for details)
– Christmas caroling
– Parent’s Night Out (watch the kids for a fee while parents shop, wrap, etc)
– Wigglers & Gigglers Service (Christmas Eve service just for kids)
Planning earlier, rather than later, will make the process much easier than if you wait until November to
start planning – when you are already busy and almost to the holiday season. And don’t forget your
volunteers need to know plenty in advance as well.
If you have any questions or need advice on planning a Christmas activity for kids, please email me
anytime: [email protected].

Central Bay District