
The Joy of Easter

Now that we are in the season of Lent, I can’t help but be reminded of the grateful
anticipation of Easter. Although many people consider Christmas the most prominent Christian
holiday, Lent and Easter are the most significant events for me. I always look forward to Lenten
Bible studies and the joy of the Easter season.

How is it determined exactly when Easter will be observed? It’s the first Sunday after the
first full moon after the first day of spring. If the full moon falls on a Sunday, then Easter is the
next Sunday. As you most likely are already aware, Easter will be on March 31 st this year.
The Scripture that comes to my mind when I think of the joy of Easter is John 3:16: “For
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life.” (NIV)

Lent and Easter give us an opportunity to celebrate the resurrection of our savior, Jesus
Christ. Easter celebrates Jesus’ divinity and the purpose of his coming to the earth. It
commemorates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and His promise of eternal life to all who
believe in Him.

Easter reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us to live by the Christian faith.
Despite Jesus’ torture and crucifixion, Easter is a time for joy – Jesus’ resurrection signifies new life, new hope,
and victory over death and suffering. His resurrection is proof He is the Son of God, and it is the reason we can find hope in an eternity spent with him.

What assurances did the followers of Jesus have that he was, in fact, resurrected?
Passages in the Gospels and Acts indicate that he appeared up to 12 different times to more
than 500 people over what tradition says was a 40-day period starting on the day of his
resurrection and ending with his interaction with Saul on the Road to Damascus.

During Easter, we celebrate what we believe to be the biggest moment and greatest
miracle in history. Christ’s resurrection means that our own physical death is a beginning, not
an end. Christ died for all, and we also believe as United Methodists that Christ’s eternal life is
also open to all. But it’s up to us to decide if we want to receive that gift or not.

As we continue through this Lenten Season and approach Resurrection Sunday, one of my
favorite hymns that comes to my mind is No. 302 – Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, a hymn that
personifies the joy of Easter. Consider pondering the message of this wonderful hymn with the
words written by Charles Wesley.

My prayer for you this Easter is: “Thanks be to you, God, for victory through our Lord
Jesus Christ whom you raised for us all. Raise us, too, to newness of life – a life of freedom, of
giving, and of caring. May the miracle of Easter bring us joy, peace, love, faith, and happiness
throughout the coming year. Amen.”

Denny Wissinger
Central Bay District
Co-Lay Leader

Central Bay District