Employee Assistance Program

Our EAP program is for clergy and their families to deal with a number of personal, job or family related problems. They provide limited free counseling and then will provide a referral for longer term counseling. They provide legal assistance and financial services as well.

I’m attaching the Fact Sheet for our EAP. We often refer people to the website because they have tons of material there including health recipes and webinars on a range of topics. However, for a crisis situation, they should call 1-800-847-7240. That number is available 24/7/365. Our EAP provider says they’d like people to hear a voice first in the midst of a crisis, rather than seeing a website.

This service is free and completely confidential. The Benefits Office has no idea who uses this system. We simply get a quarterly report of how much it has been used, but never any identifying information.

The website is a great place to check out resources when not in the midst of a crisis. Please note that the website, username and password are on the attached flier. I will say that the website sometimes doesn’t load correctly due to the nature of http vs https. So, I let people know that www.my-life-resource.com redirects to https://www.advantageengagement.com/1611/login_company.php in case there is ever an issue.

If you have further questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

We are aware that people often don’t know of this benefit and so we will be communicating more about the EAP in the coming months, but we appreciate you also sharing this information as you can. We ask that you not give out the username and password in general communications to the public as it is meant to be used by our employees (clergy and their families) only.

In Christ,
Joel Walther
Director of Conference Benefits and Coordinator of Human Resources
Michigan Conference of the UMC

Central Bay District