Category: Clergy
Starting and Sustaining: A Michigan Conference Board of Global Ministries Event
Wanting to connect the church and community? Wondering how best to sustain and grow a vital ministry? Looking for another approach after good plans don’t work in the same way? Get more information >>>
Saving Grace for Clergy
Clergy in every district of the Michigan Conference have participated in the Saving Grace course, a personal finance course designed to strengthen personal finance practices. 52 Michigan UM clergy have successfully completed the course. The UM Foundation of Michigan is committed to strengthening clergy leadership. Studies indicate that successful clergy leaders have personal financial well-being. Read more >>>… Continue Reading Saving Grace for Clergy
Interim Ministry Training
Introduction to the Art and Practice of Intentional Interim Ministry Dear Friends, In this current season within the Michigan Conference, we are finding an increasing number of churches and appointments either in need of short-term interim pastoral help or having to deal with complicated dynamics due to disaffiliation. In light of these needs, the Michigan… Continue Reading Interim Ministry Training
Clergy Retreat
Registration is Open! January 23-25, 2023 – THE CENTRAL BAY CLERGY RETREAT Available to all Clergy and those clergy serving in Retirement At Bay Shore Camp. Theme: “Enough” What is enough? Am I enough? What is your worth? Who or what determines it? What does God say about enough? … Continue Reading Clergy Retreat
Michigan Conference LSM Resources
Lay Servant Ministries is one of the significant lay leadership development programs available within the United Methodist connection. Through this system of equipping and empowering, lay servants have the opportunity to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ who then go and make other disciples. Lay Servant ministries can be a significant component of any discipleship… Continue Reading Michigan Conference LSM Resources
Message From Your District Lay Leader
MESSAGE BEING OFFERED BY YOUR DISTRICT LAY LEADERYour District Lay Leader, Denny Wissinger, is offering to visit your church during aworship service to share his message entitled, “Role of Laity.” Included in hismessage will be:o How Lay Servant Ministry training can help equip laityo Specific roles and duties of lay leaderso Ways laity can effectively… Continue Reading Message From Your District Lay Leader
Are You a Pastor in Transition? Prepare Yourself
The first 90 days of a new appointment can help “set the stage for success or sow the seeds of trouble and potential failure,” says Michael Watkins. The first of two articles on pastoral transition. When pastors receive a new appointment, they have 90 days to prove themselves, gain credibility and start to establish positive… Continue Reading Are You a Pastor in Transition? Prepare Yourself
Youth Mission Trip 2022
REGISTER TODAY! Registration and information sheet below – submit registration to Jennifer Lane at [email protected] Get more details >>>Registration form and medical release >>>Pay via PayPal >>>
The Future of the UMC
The future of the UMC depends on the decisions made by all United Methodists. As the United Methodist Church waits to learn if a gathering of the global denomination will take place in August 2022, many are looking for answers about what may happen and the impact on their local church. The conference has assembled… Continue Reading The Future of the UMC
Clergy Retreat
February 21-23, 2022Bay Shore Camp & Family Ministries450 N Miller RdSebewaing, MI 48759 Dear Pastors; You are invited to the Central Bay District Clergy Retreat on February 21, 22, and 23, at Bay Shore Camp in Sebawaing, MI The planning team has worked hard with Bay Shore Camp to provide you with a restful, educational… Continue Reading Clergy Retreat