2021 Church Conferences

It’s here. It’s here…can you smell the freshly sharpened pencils and the hear the rustle of the paperwork? Charge Conference is BACK! Hopefully, better than ever.

There is so much info to share, don’t be afraid to read over this note more than once.

In this world of Covid19 we have all learned flexibility is important. We are asking for more flexibility as we change the schedule of each church conference to be on line through Zoom and no longer in person.

Just as we did last year, each Charge will meet through Zoom for a quick conference. Pastor, Lay Leader and Church Leadership/Ad Council are asked to attend to represent the whole Charge.

Sadly, we have had to cancel the training planned for beforehand to have enough time to get through all the conferences each Sunday.

Charge Conference Schedule >>>
SPRC for Charge Conferences Schedule >>>
SPRC meetings with the DS are scheduled individually and will be conducted by Zoom (as we did last year). This year we ask that all current and future SPRC attend. Pastor will not be attending this meeting.
Paperwork is due at least 10 days before each meeting. This means the SPRC paperwork is due 10 days before that scheduled meeting. The conference paperwork is due 10 days before the scheduled Charge Conference. 

The forms page is broken out into categories. Each committee that is responsible for paperwork has a list. The forms must be completed, but ONLY the following forms should be emailed to the district office:

  • Clergy Self-Evaluations
  • SPRC Evaluation of Pastors
  • Joint Dialogue Forms
  • Clergy Compensation Forms
  • DSA Compensation Forms
  • Profile of the Church Forms
  • Parsonage Information Sheets

Please remember to email them at least 10 days prior to your scheduled conference or SPRC meeting. [email protected]

For email copies of forms: If you could rename your forms it would make me cry with delight. Save them as ChurchNameFormYear (AuburnSPRCEvaluation2021). Think about it friends, wouldn’t that make your life easier also if you could identify the form at a glance?

All forms requiring a signature should be hard copy mailed to the district office: PO Box 5386, Saginaw, MI 48603.

Thanks for working through all the things to keep on shining the spotlight on Jesus.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Peace to you,

Teri Rice

Executive Assistant

Central Bay District

Michigan Conference UMC

PO Box 5386

Saginaw, MI 48603




Central Bay District