Spiritual Leadership and Pastoral Care

Dear Fellow Jesus-followers,

As COVID-19 effects many aspects of our lives, I would like to offer some helpful information as you seek to provide spiritual leadership and pastoral care to your congregations during the upcoming weeks:

· The receipt of Central Bay District ministry shares is postponed indefinitely. We will continue to monitor the situation and inform you when this situation changes.

· Encourage your congregation to give electronically or by mail. Check out our district web site for helpful information on how to set up on line giving, www.CentralBayUMC.org. Please know that the Central Bay District commitment to assist you financially remains unwavering.

· Here’s a link to a list of 100 things churches might do during times of uncertainty and opportunity – http://www.traci-smith.com/covid-19-100-ideas-for-ministers-and-ministry-leaders/

· You might want to read/reread Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times by Adam Hamilton.

Please know that we at the district level will continue to walk side-by-side with you during this evolving situation as we strive to be in ministry together for the glory of God and the advancement of God’s kingdom. In closing, remember – “Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

Be safe and thank you for your leadership.

Grace and peace,
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey R. Maxwell
Central Bay District Superintendent

Central Bay District