What Happened to Apportionments?

Central Bay District,

Helpful Information
What Payments Go Where

Some of us used to call them apportionments, for some it has always been ministry shares. Regardless of what used to be, the specific asking for the Central Bay District to support/fund ministry is now named CB Ministry Shares 2019. The amounts per church are listed here.

This amount is in total, per year. ONE amount per church.

Payment in full is expected by November, 15 2019.

Partial payments may be made as needed. We recommend half in May and balance in November.

Payment sent to:

2019 Ministry Shares

Central Bay District
3617 Mackinaw
Saginaw, MI 48602

Any questions, please/email the office.

Teri Rice
Executive Assistant
Central Bay District
3617 Mackinaw #1
Saginaw, MI 48602


[email protected]

Central Bay District