Wisner Rocks Amazing gRace!

Wisner’s Dinner Church Success Story

As part of the Amazing gRace challenge, on Sunday, October 28, 2018 we held a free Harvest Dinner & Trunk or Treat event for our community.  It was a great time for all!  The wonderful meal of beef tips, gravy, noodles, BBQ pulled pork, mashed potatoes and corn was prepared by a local caterer and our church provided salad and desserts.  As best as we could count, about 150 people attended, with over half of them being new faces from the community! 

Two weeks before our event Pastor Oh, his wife June and some of our church members went door to door with invitations and caramel apples and found the reception to be quite positive.  We also placed flyers at local business and passed them out during a Moonlight Madness event held by our neighboring community. 

For the first time in a long time the Wisner UMC felt like a community and we are excited to keep that energy going.  With this event as our starting point, we have decided to begin monthly community fun nights which we will call W.N. O.F or Wisner’s Night Of Fun.  Our next one will be December 2nd.

We are thankful to the district for giving us the incentive to do this.  God’s power was truly on display in those who helped and attended.  He even kept the rain to a light mist when all around us were reports of heavy rain.  As we like to say at Wisner: God is good, all the time.  All the time, God is good!


Central Bay District