This mission trip was absolutely amazing. Not only did I get to see God work in the lives of the Philippines people, but He worked in my life, as well. There are so many good things to share, but what has stayed with me is the children as we would say goodbye. They would call after us and saying, “Remember me”. For many they have no one but the church. When you pray would you remember the children and people of the Philippines? They are worth it.
Pastor Carmen
Dear Friends in the Central Bay District,
As I traveled to meet our friends in Cebu and the surrounding area of the Philippines I could feel the hands of those who sent us on this mission as if they were laying on my shoulders. I sensed the prayers that sent us and was therefore empowered to offer Christ’s love to our fellow United Methodists in the churches where we taught, learned and worshipped. I return with a greater love than I departed with.
It was the experience of being in mission together with a team made up of David, Maddie, Carmen and myself which God used in an amazing way to teach me again the beauty of being a follower of Christ. Through the love, hospitality and generosity of those we went to be in ministry with I learned again the beauty of being a United Methodist. On the eve of a General Conference which would seem to be about division I encountered the unifying presence of Christ in the people I journeyed with.
Our team faced some spiritual challenges together. This is what we all encounter when we are in mission together. If we were not in mission though we would miss the opportunity to be invited into a deeper sense of God’s love. I trust that we are on a mission together as the Central Bay District here in Michigan.
The struggles which I witnessed in the lives of those who minister out of Christ’s love for others in the Philippines was truly humbling and inspiring. Upon returning I am grateful that I encounter this same love here which is just as humbling and inspiring.
It is hard for me to describe in a few words the depth of the spiritual journey I shared with my fellow mission team. Our times of devotion and joy together are experiences which I will treasure.
Perhaps the best way that I can share with all of you the underlying meaning of my experience in the Philippines is to tell you the words that so many children shared with us as we departed to return home to our children here. The children in Cebu and a small fishing village near by said to us repeatedly, “Remember Me.”
I take this statement to mean much more than a a request to recollect a time that has passed. I take this urgent request as an expression much like that of Jesus, who shared a Last Supper with those he loved. I take it as a hope that I will continue in the mission which encounters Christ’s voice in the laughter and tears of God’s children. Thank You! To my friends on our mission team, to my friends in my congregations and the Central Bay District, and to the people of Cebu, for this opportunity to experience the unifying presence of Christ.
Remember who calls us together in mission!
Rev. Rob Richards