Guest readiness and hospitality are greater than being nice

By Dr. Kim Pope-Seiberling

If people visit your church once or twice but don’t return, you may have a “guest readiness” issue.

Often, we go to great lengths to welcome people in our homes. The same should be true as we welcome new guests to the church.

“Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.”
    — Hebrews 13:2

There’s a difference between being friendly and being hospitable. Churches may consider themselves a “friendly church” but often that means they’re nice to one another. Hospitality is extended to people we don’t know. Hospitality is the deep, meaningful engagement to people we meet for the first time.

In this, episode three of a four-part Church Growth podcast series, we focus on what it means to be guest ready.

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Central Bay District