Footsteps of Paul Cruise – 2019


Join folks from across the Michigan area on this exciting opportunity for learning and fellowship.  The dates are October 29-November 11, 2019.  We’ll explore the ministry of the Apostle Paul throughout Greece, Italy and Turkey.  Sponsored by Educational Opportunities, this 12 day tour is a cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Jewel of the Seas and sails round trip from Rome.  Ports of call include two days in Israel, two days in Greece and stops in Cyprus, Turkey and Italy.  Dr. Ben Witherington from Asbury Theological Seminary is the featured Guest Lecturer during our days at sea.  Pricing begins at $3798 (double occupancy). REGISTER BY DECEMBER 31st and SAVE $125 per person.  To obtain a brochure with all the details, please contact Project Coordinator, Rev. Ann Emerson at 810-334-5799 or [email protected]

Central Bay District