Website Checkup

Thou Shalt Have a Website. District Superintendent, Reverend David Kim has a goal: 100% of Central Bay District churches will have a functional website by District Conference on October 19, 2019.  Currently more than half of the district churches do not.  Where does your church stand? Cast a wider net. Get discovered by a  broader… Continue Reading Website Checkup

Let’s Do Lunch!

We are looking for a few good men, or women, or young adults, or youth, or children, or…well, YOU! We are looking for you. June 24 we will be serving lunch to the many volunteers of One Week One Street, in the city of Saginaw. Would you like to help us prepare, transport, set up… Continue Reading Let’s Do Lunch!

Meet Your EngageMI Ambassadors

There have been questions regarding the new EngageMI program and these people are knowledgeable and ready to answer questions and meet with those mission people in the churches who would like that.  Please feel free to suggest these ambassadors to those that need help in understanding and reporting the Learn, Give, Act program for 2019. … Continue Reading Meet Your EngageMI Ambassadors

Children’s Ministry Gatherings

Join other children’s ministry leaders and network, share ideas and ask questions in a casual setting. All meetings begin at 6:30 pm. Light refreshments provided. RSVP to [email protected] if you or your team plan to attend.  May 7th – Cass City UMC June 12th – Rosebush UMC  Sept ? – West Branch First  

Personal Note from the DS

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior! I am writing to you dear saints in Christ after the conclusion of the General Conference 2019. As a brother in Christ, I am sharing my unwavering dedication to Jesus Christ as I invite you as a co-laborer to fix our eyes on Jesus.… Continue Reading Personal Note from the DS

Organ Donation

We are giving away our organ. Here is what I know – It is big and there are 2 mounted speakers for it on the wall. I have only heard it played once in my time here and the young man playing it made it sing beautifully. The organ body itself looks beautiful. That said,… Continue Reading Organ Donation

Bishop Bard’s Message to Lay Leadership and Clergy

Dear Appointed Clergy and Lay Leaders in the Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church, Greetings in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the peace and power of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you for your leadership and thank you for taking time to read this letter.   By now… Continue Reading Bishop Bard’s Message to Lay Leadership and Clergy

VBS Update

Athens Funshop training was a great experience for the 9 churches who sent their VBS teams. Emily Snider from Group gave tips on running a VBS, how to promote, organize, run and recruit for every sized church. We broke out in to teams and made some of the props that will travel with the kit.… Continue Reading VBS Update

The Team is Back!

This mission trip was absolutely amazing. Not only did I get to see God work in the lives of the Philippines people, but He worked in my life, as well. There are so many good things to share, but what has stayed with me is the children as we would say goodbye. They would call… Continue Reading The Team is Back!

Central Bay District