Ministry is demanding. (You knew that, right?) And the demands are not limited to the pastor alone. The family is affected in ways most church members will never imagine.

That’s the foundation for the Central Bay District Care Team. This newly formed committee seeks to provide moral support and special activities for our district clergy and their families. The team is a mix of clergy and laity, co-chaired by Debbi Kasper and Pastor Heather Nowak.
The Care Team sends birthday cards to each pastor, as well as cards and notes of welcome, sympathy, get well wishes, support and solidarity. In April, the team sent Easter cards and sunflower seeds to each pastor and family. The team shares prayer concerns and prays at each monthly meeting for specific needs.
Other projects on the agenda include:
- Developing a support system for clergy spouses.
- Planning a clergy retreat and a family camp-out in 2022.
- Bringing in speakers to address topics of special interest. Ideas include information on benefits, financial planning, retirement finances and planning, and working with trustees. The team would welcome additional suggestions.
- Developing lists for pulpit supply and piano substitutes.
- Compiling a list from each DZone of favorite local activities, eateries, parks, playgrounds, attractions, shopping, etc., which will be shared throughout the district.
The team is planning some special family activities for this summer:
- Bicycle Ride: Saturday, June 12, starting at the Tridge in Midland at 11 am. Each rider is asked to bring a sack lunch.
- Riverwalk and Ice Cream: Sunday, August 15, 2021, 7 pm, in Bay City.
- Putt-Putt Golf: Date to be announced.
Watch for announcements with details of each activity!
For more information or to share a suggestion or prayer concern, contact Debbi Kasper at 269-228-0924 or [email protected].