Central Bay District United Women in Faith

Greetings form Caroline Diaz and Sandy DeWaele Central Bay District United Women in Faith Co Presidents.

We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Fall 2024 was a very busy time. The Central Bay District United Women in Faith Annual Celebration and Local Officers Training and Michigan Conference United Women in Faith Annual Celebration and Training of District Officers being held.

We held our Annual Celebration and Training at Faith United Methodist Church, Coleman, Michigan. Our Keynote speaker was Rev. Michelle King, she was wonderful. It was good to see everyone and be together again. It was a great success with 65 who attended. Coleman Faith United Methodist Church United Women in Faith did a fantastic job, everything was greatly appreciated.

The Michigan Conference Annual Celebration and District Leadership Training and a Racial Justice program was held in Central Bay District at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Essexville, Michigan on October 25 -26, and it was great. The music was very uplifting, and the program was well planned with Dr. John E. Harnish as the Keynote speaker. The speakers for the Racial Justice program were fantastic. Essexville St. Luke’s did a wonderful job hosting the event. Below is a picture of some of the Central Bay attendees.

It has been a challenge again this year with openings, but we were able to fill so many of our positions. Thank you to our wonderful team for all the help. We still have openings for Nominations Chairman and Nomination’s committee members. We are asking that you consider joining the District Team and helping us out. Please pray about this and contact us if you would like to be a member of the team.


Mission U Weekend for All Ages

July 17-19, 2025
First UMC of Mt. Pleasant

“Hope as Resurrection People” is the 2025 theme and we will explore the hope that emerged with a small community of followers after the resurrection of Jesus that changed the world.  Out of so much confusion and fear following the crucifixion of Jesus, grew a “Resurrection People” steepled in hope who began living out their faith in powerful ways.  Plan now to attend and watch for registration to open in spring.

Caroline Diaz
[email protected] 

Sandy  DeWaele
[email protected] 

Central Bay District