Welcome Jesus Roadies!
Your Central Bay District has an awesome opportunity for your church! We’ve partnered up with Nick Ransom, Church of the Resurrection’s Leawood KiDSCOR Director, to bring you a totally rad Vacation Bible Camp this summer. And here’s the best part…all the curriculum, videos, music, daily stickers, and t-shirts for your kids and volunteers will be totally free! This is a four day VBC curriculum that could be used for a one-night VBC, a weekend VBC or a week-long VBC that ends with a Party Bus celebration on the last day. Pick your days between July 14, and August 1, estimate how many children will participate, how many volunteers will support the event and then register on-line. Once your church has registered and committed to provide this awesome outreach to your community, your leader(s) will be provided all the digital files to start planning. We’ll even help your church set-up a Google form to register your students and volunteers!

And Yes…we did say that we’d provide VBC t-shirts for all your students and your volunteers! Daily lesson stickers for your students too!