Welcome to the Home of Children's Ministries for the Central Bay District!
Welcome Jesus Roadies!

VBC Kits, Puppets and More!
Children's programming items are available for loan to local churches.- VBC Kits:
Click here for a list of the VBC programs available from the Central Bay District. Reach out Jennifer Lane at [email protected] for more information and for instructions on how to access them.
- Puppets:
Plan a Block Party
One great way to interact with the community surrounding your church is by having a block party. The block party brings together neighbors, the congregation, and friends of both in a fun atmosphere for all ages to enjoy. Having a successful block party requires planning in order to be successful. Following are tips and ideas on how to plan your own successful event. Read more >>>Planning Tips:
Let your district children's leader help you plan ahead. Let us intentionally welcome the children. View the video series >>>