
Welcome to the Home of Children's Ministries for the Central Bay District!

Welcome Jesus Roadies!

Your Central Bay District has an awesome opportunity for your church! We've partnered up with Nick Ransom, Church of the Resurrection's Leawood KiDSCOR Director, to bring you a totally rad Vacation Bible Camp this summer. And here's the best part...all the curriculum, videos, music, daily stickers, and t-shirts for your kids and volunteers will be totally free!

VBC Kits, Puppets and More!

Children's programming items are available for loan to local churches.
  • VBC Kits:

Click here for a list of the VBC programs available from the Central Bay District.  Reach out Jennifer Lane at [email protected] for more information and for instructions on how to access them.

  • Puppets:

Plan a Block Party

One great way to interact with the community surrounding your church is by having a block party. The block party brings together neighbors, the congregation, and friends of both in a fun atmosphere for all ages to enjoy. Having a successful block party requires planning in order to be successful. Following are tips and ideas on how to plan your own successful event. Read more >>>

Planning Tips:

Let your district children's leader help you plan ahead. Let us intentionally welcome the children. View the video series >>>
Central Bay District