2023 Charge Conferences

Central Bay District 2023 Church Charge Conference and SPRC meetings

Partnering with you to bring people to Jesus.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. It’s here, its here!! Conference time is moving in fast. Ahhh, I can almost smell the newly sharpened pencils. Oh how I LOVE Church Charge Conferences.

Central Bay, as new and improved, is doing something a bit different this year – we are all in this together!

**Churches that vote to disaffiliate effective January 1, 2024 will not be expected to participate in Zone Charge Conferences or SPRC meetings. No paperwork will be required or accepted. 

Each Connexion Zone will have a GROUP CC Conference. These meetings are in person and used as a time to celebrate the ministry happening in your Zone (and also do the appropriate voting).

SPRC Meetings are per charge and all on Zoom. Expected to attend are current, outgoing and incoming members. Pastor is not expected to attend. However; pastor/church office will receive the Zoom link and is expected to make sure all expected to attend have received the link. SPRC may also gather at church and all be present for the meeting. This detail is left to each charge to decide what works best for them.

  1. This Paperwork is due ten days prior to each SPRC meeting.
    1. SPRC Assessment of Elder/Local Pastor/DSA
    2. SPRC First Year Review of Pastor in New Appointment (if applies)
    3. SPRC & Pastor Joint Dialogue
  2. The remaining paperwork is due 10 days prior to scheduled conference.
  3. The Zoom link will be emailed to pastor/church office one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
  4. The theme of the meeting is COMMUNICATION. What/When/Where/How/Why

Paperwork Details for CC and SPRC: Please pay attention to these, they matter.

  1. ALL forms are required to be submitted electronically.
    1. Each form must be emailed as a complete document. We cannot accept each page as a separate scan attachment. Scan the whole form as one complete document.
    2. Typing the name of the person required to sign works. No need to print out and rescan. Just make sure the person named is in full agreement with the form.
    3. Don’t paper mail me any copies. ALL I am accepting are the electronic copies.
    4. Please make sure you keep your conference paperwork organized and in a place you will be able to access next year.
    5. Find the list of forms and who is responsible for each here
    6. Remember to email all the forms to [email protected]

This year at each Connexion Zone Church Conference you are asked to highlight an upcoming ministry in and/or with your community by creating an invitation you would use to share with the people of your community. The invitation that is deemed the most attractive, as in the most likely to attract persons to the ministry event, in each connexion zone will be awarded a $250.00 grant from the district to Help You Bring People to Jesus.

  1. Please be creative. We ask that you refrain from highlighting the food pantry as your creative ministry event.
  2. Please print enough invitations to share with others at the Connexion Zone Church Conference as a way of sharing ideas that others can use in their communities.
  3. Please give the Central Bay District permission to share your invitation in the newsletter to share ideas in throughout the district.
  4. Please be creative.  The more creative the ministry with your community and the more creative the invitation the better.

Schedule coming soon!

If you have any questions, please email me. I want to help.

Teri Rice
Partnering with You to bring People to Jesus
Executive Assistant
Central Bay District
Michigan Conference UMC
PO Box 5386
Saginaw, MI 48603

Central Bay District